News footage with Astrid Frisbey hosting: INT. MEETING HALL - NIGHT Xenonya gives a presentation, pointing at a slide with different silhouetted cameo figures. The attendees take notes. ASTRID FRISBEY (voiceover) Xenonya te Yamikll Tewwawo'ite now serves as ambassador us. Giving sold-out talks around the world about how we can develop relationships with people amongst the universe. After all, as it turns out, there's an entire universe out there.Зенонья те Ямикл Тьювавоите теперь служит нашим послом. Проведение аншлаговых докладов по всему миру о том, как мы можем развивать отношения с людьми во Вселенной. В конце концов, как оказалось, существует целая вселенная. Xenonya signs autographs for the attendees.