INT. MILITARY HUB - DAY A massive assembly. On the screens are GENERAL ALYOSHA MILLYAR, 66, a seasoned military leader, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE, 48, a high-ranking government official, various military personnel, and of course, the Russian PRESIDENT himself, 71, a compassionate figure. The Genisys Project members are live and present in the meeting. GENERAL MILLYAR Go ahead, Lebedev. General Millyar listening. Давай, Лебедев. Это слушает генерал Милляр. ALEKSEY LEBEDEV Okay. So, approximately 1500 Umbrans summoned onto our homeland's soil yesterday just went into hiding. Alerts and reports were instantly coming from as far as Yamal, Bosnia, Norway, and Magadan. (MORE) 312. ALEKSEY LEBEDEV (CONT'D) As a result, we have Maidan-like crises spreading in major cities including Krym, Riga, Kazan’, Ekaterinburg, and Zagreb, and the economy was shut down in the entire west side of the former Soviet Union area in the last 13 hours