I/E. OLD CAR - EARLY MORNINGMike and Lebedev drive in blue pickup trucks. The three cars drive to the outskirts of Moscow. They cross atunnel.ГОРОД 312ДОЛГИЙ ПУТЬ И ПУСТЬ ВСЕ СХЕМЫНАИЗУСТЬ,As the three cars emerge from the other side of the tunnel, theywitness chaos unfolding before them. Wrecked cars litteredacross their path while terrified civilians scramble awayfrom imminent danger - signs indicating an ongoing attack ordisaster. RADIOЭто национальная экстреннаяпередача.ГОРОД 312 (CONT'D)ИХ МЕНЯЕТ ВДРУГ БЕЗУМНЫЙ КРУГСОБЫТИЙ.Wrecked cars and fleeing civilians lay in front of themasthey drive closer yo the outskirts.RADIO (CONT'D)Москва подвергласьмассированному нападению.ГОРОД 312 (CONT'D)И НИКТО НЕ ЖДЕТ НОЧАМИНАПРОЛЕТ, ОН ДАВНО ПРОСТИЛ, ИВЫ ЕГО ПРОСТИТЕ. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.