INT. OLEG'S ROOM, PETROV HOUSE - EVENING Skinny guy Alexander Turov and Xenonya have reached the copied files in the computer. They observe them. ANDREY PETROV These files are a goldmine of information. Looks like the signal has hit the roof. Where did you say you got this? Эти файлы - настоящая кладезь информации. Похоже, сигнал попал в крышу. Откуда вы сказали, что это у вас есть? XENONYA In the 1990s, an ancient alien witch named Agapa broke into the Novoselitse Army Camp, where she hacked the military frequency channels in less than a minute. В 90-х годах древняя иномирная ведьма по имени Агапа проникла в армейский лагерь Новоселице, где менее чем за минуту взломала военные частотные каналы. ANDREY PETROV No way. Вы шутите. XENONYA Yeah. Нет. 206. ANDREY PETROV Okay, umm...It looks like there's a message embedded in the codes. Let me work my magic. Ладно, гм... Похоже, что в коды встроено сообщение. Позвольте мне творить чудеса. Andrey's grandma peeks into the room. Xenonya and Andrey look into the signal's message. It shows lots of strange content, saying things like "PROjECT AltAy", "MOAZyNGKH", and "CapT. MiKHaeL AnDreYEV". They both exchange confused glances, realizing that they stumbled upon something much bigger than they anticipated. XENONYA "Project Altai?" ANDREY PETROV What's "Moatzyngkh" Что такое «Моацынгх» XENONYA and why is Capt. Mikhail Andreev's name showing here? и почему здесь указано имя капитана Андреева? ANDREY PETROV Shh. ANDREY'S GRANDMA Are you playing those video games again? Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.