INT. OLEG'S ROOM, PETROV HOUSE - DAY In a room: ANDREY PETROV (to Xenonya) How classified? Насколько он засекречен? XENONYA Like "I'll need to sign an NDA before I can even tell you about it" kind of classified. Как "мне нужно подписать NDA, прежде чем я смогу рассказать тебе об этом" классифицирован. ANDREY PETROV Yes! One quick peek. Ура! Один быстрый взгляд. Andrey Petrov walks over to his desk and opens up his notepad. He plugs in the SD card. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.