INT. MANSION - DAY An independently rich Na'vi former special agent Xenonya te Yamikll Tewwawo'ite, is having an interview for SolovievLive in her mansion. XENONYA Frisbey, big fan, it's great to be here. Фрисби, я большой фанат, рад тебя видеть. ASTRID FRISBEY (on TV) Now, agent Yamikll Tewwawo'ite, you would have us believe that it is in our best interest to formally take sides in this so-called war against the Voids, no, you said Shadow Guardians, right? XENONYA Well, the other side wants to spank us for breakfast, so I wouldn't exactly call it a toss-up. Let's face it, those capitalistic bastards are definitely quite lethal. An old man drops his walking stick on the ground in front of Xenonya. ASTRID FRISBEY (on TV) Polled comments show half the world will feel safer and in tune with those legends completely gone. Get them out of here! We don't need them here! They are not welcome here! XENONYA (Sarcastically joking) Heh! Well, I feel safer when I'm sleeping with a hand grenade. It don't mean I'm always right. High-definition,clear image,cloud movement,stable,Light and shadow changes -neg ugly,bad,terrible,trembling,twisted,fuzzy,blur,out of focus, distortion,deformation,exposure,Deformation, noise,poor quality,distortion,poor drawing,blurring,graininess,low resolution,high saturation,lack of detail,inconsistent lighting”