Cut to animation of the spacecraft launching into space
Cut to animation of the spacecraft launching into space
Opening shot of a Boeing spacecraft
Cut to footage of Boeing spacecraft preparing for launch
Opening shot of a Boeing spacecraft
Closing shot of the giant planet
Cut to footage of the planet's mesmerizing storms
Cut to animation showing comparisons with other planets
Cut to stunning visuals of the giant planet
Opening shot of a majestic planet in space
Closing shot of the solar eclipse
Cut to people watching the eclipse with solar glasses
Cut to footage of a solar eclipse
Cut to animation of the moon passing in front of the sun
Opening shot of the sun shining in the sky
The Mars Rover: 2004
Cut to a montage of memorable moments from the rover's mission
Cut to animation showing the rover's deteriorating condition
Cut to a close-up of the Mars rover
Opening shot of the Mars rover exploring the Martian surface
lon Musk with text beside him: "Time Travel Proven by Elon Musk
Cut to animated visualization of particles traveling through time
Cut to Elon Musk explaining his findings
Cut to a quick montage of scientific equations and experiments
Opening shot of Elon Musk standing in front of a crowd
Closing shot of Earth and Pluto
Cut to animation showing Earth's orbit compared to Pluto's orbit
Cut to animation comparing the size of Earth and Pluto
Opening shot of the Earth and Pluto in space
Closing shot of the Milky Way Galaxy
Cut to animation comparing the size of the Earth to the Milky Way Galaxy
Cut to animation zooming in on the Earth
Cut to animation showing the Milky Way Galaxy
Opening shot of the Milky Way Galaxy
Closing shot of the black hole
Earth disappearing into the black hole
Earth disappearing into the black hole