Cut to animation of the Earth disappearing into the black hole
Cut to animation of the Earth disappearing into the black hole
Cut to animation of the Earth getting pulled towards the black hole
Cut to animation of a black hole
Opening shot of the Earth in space
Cut to animation of the moon casting a shadow on the Earth
Closing shot of a solar eclipse
Cut to animation of a solar eclipse
Cut to animation of the Earth orbiting the sun
Opening shot of the Earth with the sun shining brightly
Closing shot of the person waving from the other side of the Earth
Cut to animation of the person reaching the other side of the Earth
Cut to animation of the person reaching the other side of the Earth
Cut to animation of the person passing through the center of the Earth
Gravity would pull you towards the center.
Cut to animation of a person falling through the Earth
Cut to animated illustration of Earth with a hole straight through it
Opening shot of a person standing at the edge of a deep hole in the ground
After days of uncertainty, Voyager 1, NASA's farthest and fastest spacecraft, has finally reestablished communication with Earth.
Animation of the giant Earth against the backdrop of space
Animation showing Earth's surface transformed by its increased size
Animation showing Earth's atmosphere expanding with the planet
Animation showing people struggling to move on the giant Earth
What If Earth Was the Size of Jupiter?
Animation of a black hole
Animation showing the person being stretched and pulled apart by the black hole
Animation showing the person crossing the event horizon
Animation showing a person approaching the event horizon of a black hole
What If You Fell into a Black Hole?
Animation showing the potential for life on Kepler-442b
Animation of Kepler-442b against the backdrop of space
Animation showing the similarities between Earth and Kepler-442b
Animation showing Kepler-442b orbiting its star
A Planet Better than Earth?
Animation showing Kepler-442b orbiting its star
The next 100 million years promise to be full of change and wonder in the vast expanse of the universe.
Animation showing the eventual fate of the universe