Cut to animation of a star disappearing
Cut to animation of a star disappearing
Opening shot of a starry sky
Closing shot of the Earth with text: "Earth's Problems
Cut to animation showing the impact of these problems on the Earth
Cut to images or footage illustrating each problem
Opening shot of the Earth from space
Closing shot of Olympus Mons and Mount Everest
Cut to animation showing Mount Everes
Cut to animation showing the enormous size of Olympus Mons
Cut to animation comparing the height of Mount Everest to Olympus Mons
Olympus Mons and Mount Everest
Rain on Planets
Cut to animation of dust storms on Mars
Cut to animation of diamond rain on Jupiter and Saturn
Cut to animation of sulfuric acid rain on Venus
Cut to animation showing rain on different planets
Opening shot of different planets in the solar system
Neptune is Drifting Away!
Cut to visualization of Neptune's orbit
Cut to animation showing Neptune moving away from the Sun
Neptune is Drifting Away!
Closing shot of the night sky
Cut to footage or animation of each space event
Quick cuts of different space events with text appearing next to them
Opening shot of the night sky filled with stars
Closing shot of the massive black hole
Cut to stunning visuals of the black hole
Cut to visualization of stars orbiting the black hole
Cut to animation showing the size comparison of different black holes
Opening shot of a black hole in space
Closing shot of all the planets lined up
Cut to animations showing the characteristics of each planet
Quick cuts of each planet with text appearing next to them
Planets of the Solar System
Closing shot of the Boeing spacecraft in space
Cut to footage of astronauts inside the spacecraft