Cut to animation of lights gradually turning off around the world
Cut to animation of lights gradually turning off around the world
Opening shot of a bustling cityscape at night
Closing shot of Voyager 1 in the vastness of space
Cut to footage of NASA scientists celebrating
Cut to animation of Voyager 1's long journey
Cut to animation of Voyager 1 in deep space
Opening shot of Voyager 1 in space
Closing shot of the black hole with the person disappearing
Cut to animation of the event horizon
Cut to animation of the person experiencing spaghettification
Cut to animation of the person experiencing spaghettification
Cut to animation of a person getting closer to a black hole
Opening shot of a black hole in space
Closing shot of the Earth from space showing the full curvature
Cut to a high-altitude shot from a plane showing a slight curve
Cut to animation of a small person on the large Earth
Cut to animation showing the vast size of Earth
Opening shot of a person standing on a vast plain
Closing shot of the asteroid crater and the changed landscape
Cut to animation of the aftermath, showing dust and smoke covering the sky
Cut to animation of the asteroid impact
Cut to animation of an asteroid hurtling towards Earth
Opening shot of a peaceful prehistoric landscape
Closing shot of the cosmos
Cut to animation of the universe collapsing
Closing shot of the cosmos
Cut to animation of the universe collapsing
Cut to animation of the universe tearing apart
Cut to animation of the universe tearing apart
Cut to visualizations of each scenario
Cut to visualizations of each scenario
Cut to animation showing the possible scenarios
Opening shot of the cosmos
Closing shot of the night sky with a missing star
Cut to scientists studying data
Cut to visualization of the missing star