“EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, a young curly redhead female, NAIRA, another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. V E R O N A I k n o w s o m e o n e w h o c a n s p e a k u p t o h i m . M e a n w h i l e , N a i r a , g r a b a f e w m e n a n d f i n d e v e r y c o r n e r f o r A g a p a a n d p r e p a r e f o r i mm i n e n t w a r . I f e e l l i k e w e'r e g o n n a r u n i n t o l o t s o f U mb r a n s. TRAVIS And maybe even Kirill. А может и с Кириллом. Naira nods in understanding and quickly gathers a group of trusted individuals to search for Agapa. As they disperse, Verona turns towards Travis with a determined look on her face. VERONA Travis, we can't let Kirill fall into Agapa's clutches. We must find him before she does and protect him at all costs.Трэвис, мы не можем позволить Кириллу попасть в лапы Агапы. Мы должны найти его раньше, чем это сделает она, и защитить его любой ценой. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, a young curly redhead female, NAIRA, another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. V E R O N A I k n o w s o m e o n e w h o c a n s p e a k u p t o h i m . M e a n w h i l e , N a i r a , g r a b a f e w m e n a n d f i n d e v e r y c o r n e r f o r A g a p a a n d p r e p a r e f o r i mm i n e n t w a r . I f e e l l i k e w e'r e g o n n a r u n i n t o l o t s o f U mb r a n s. TRAVIS And maybe even Kirill. А может и с Кириллом. Naira nods in understanding and quickly gathers a group of trusted individuals to search for Agapa. As they disperse, Verona turns towards Travis with a determined look on her face. VERONA Travis, we can't let Kirill fall into Agapa's clutches. We must find him before she does and protect him at all costs.Трэвис, мы не можем позволить Кириллу попасть в лапы Агапы. Мы должны найти его раньше, чем это сделает она, и защитить его любой ценой. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, a young curly redhead female, NAIRA, another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. B u t I f e a r w h o e v e r p l a n A g a p a i s c o n s p i r i n g w i t h m i g h t s e t t h e i r a t t e n t i o n o n u s a s w e l l , l i k e t h e V e r i t e s w h o k i l l e d o f f S t e f a n i a . T RAV I S T h a t d o e s n o t m e a n h e g e t s t o d o w h a t e v e r h e p l e a s e s a n d h i d e h i s s k i n o f f a b o u t i t .V E R O N A N a i r a a n d I t r u s t h i m , a n d y o u s h o u l d , t o o . T RAV I S W h e n e v e r t h e w i t c h i s s t i l l a r o u n d h i m , my c h a n c e s o f t r u s t i n g h i m w i l l b e s l i m . S h e c o u l d p e r h a p s b e a b l e t o s u c c e s s f u l l y t r a n s f o r m h i m i n t o h e r f o l d . O r m o r e l i k e l y , h e w a s a l r e a d y c o n s p i r i n g w i t h h e r f r o m t h e s t a r t . T h u s , w e'l l h a v e t o p r e p a r e f o r w a r a n d f i n d A g a p a . Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, a young curly redhead female, NAIRA, another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. B u t I f e a r w h o e v e r p l a n A g a p a i s c o n s p i r i n g w i t h m i g h t s e t t h e i r a t t e n t i o n o n u s a s w e l l , l i k e t h e V e r i t e s w h o k i l l e d o f f S t e f a n i a . T RAV I S T h a t d o e s n o t m e a n h e g e t s t o d o w h a t e v e r h e p l e a s e s a n d h i d e h i s s k i n o f f a b o u t i t .V E R O N A N a i r a a n d I t r u s t h i m , a n d y o u s h o u l d , t o o . T RAV I S W h e n e v e r t h e w i t c h i s s t i l l a r o u n d h i m , my c h a n c e s o f t r u s t i n g h i m w i l l b e s l i m . S h e c o u l d p e r h a p s b e a b l e t o s u c c e s s f u l l y t r a n s f o r m h i m i n t o h e r f o l d . O r m o r e l i k e l y , h e w a s a l r e a d y c o n s p i r i n g w i t h h e r f r o m t h e s t a r t . T h u s , w e'l l h a v e t o p r e p a r e f o r w a r a n d f i n d A g a p a . Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, a young curly redhead female, NAIRA, another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. Travis nods firmly in agreement. TRAVIS Agreed. But we also need to uncover the truth behind this secret. That boy had to say his thanks to us for helping him beat the Mirrorer and Agapa six years ago. VERONA You still dont understand what kind of trials he hadto go to become what he is. It's his burden,not ours. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, a young curly redhead female, NAIRA, another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. Travis nods firmly in agreement. TRAVIS Agreed. But we also need to uncover the truth behind this secret. That boy had to say his thanks to us for helping him beat the Mirrorer and Agapa six years ago. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, a young curly redhead female, NAIRA, another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. Travis nods firmly in agreement. TRAVIS Agreed. But we also need to uncover the truth behind this secret. That boy had to say his thanks to us for helping him beat the Mirrorer and Agapa six years ago. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, a young curly redhead female, NAIRA, another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. Naira clenches her fists, determination shining through her worried expression. NAIRA Then that must mean we must find Kirill before she does and protect him at all costs.Тогда это значит, что мы должны найти Кирилла раньше, чем она, и защитить его любой ценой. Travis nods firmly in agreement. TRAVIS Agreed. But we also need to uncover the truth behind this secret. That boy had to say his thanks to us for helping him beat the Mirrorer and Agapa six years ago. No traces of fighting werefound. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, a young curly redhead female, NAIRA, another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. Naira clenches her fists, determination shining through her worried expression. NAIRA Then that must mean we must find Kirill before she does and protect him at all costs.Тогда это значит, что мы должны найти Кирилла раньше, чем она, и защитить его любой ценой. Travis nods firmly in agreement. TRAVIS Agreed. But we also need to uncover the truth behind this secret. That boy had to say his thanks to us for helping him beat the Mirrorer and Agapa six years ago. No traces of fighting werefound. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, a young curly redhead female, NAIRA, another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. VERONA's weak voice quivers as she adds her own insight. VERONA I fear that Captain Andreev may have unwittingly become a pawn in Agapa's game, just like Kirill. It seems their paths were destined to cross, and now Belovodie is caught in the middle of it all. To us, Kirill is a hero; he has to make hard decisions. Боюсь, что капитан Андреев мог невольно стать пешкой в игре Агапы, как и Кирилл. Кажется, их путям суждено было пересечься, и теперь Беловодье оказалось в центре всего этого.Для нас Кирилл — герой; ему приходится принимать трудные решения. Naira clenches her fists, determination shining through her worried expression. NAIRA Then that must mean we must find Kirill before she does and protect him at all costs.Тогда это значит, что мы должны найти Кирилла раньше, чем она, и защитить его любой ценой. Travis nods firmly in agreement. TRAVIS Agreed. But we also need to uncover the truth behind this secret. That boy had to say his thanks to us for helping him beat the Mirrorer and Agapa six years ago. No traces of fighting werefound. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, a young curly redhead female, NAIRA, another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. VERONA's weak voice quivers as she adds her own insight. VERONA I fear that Captain Andreev may have unwittingly become a pawn in Agapa's game, just like Kirill. It seems their paths were destined to cross, and now Belovodie is caught in the middle of it all. To us, Kirill is a hero; he has to make hard decisions. Боюсь, что капитан Андреев мог невольно стать пешкой в игре Агапы, как и Кирилл. Кажется, их путям суждено было пересечься, и теперь Беловодье оказалось в центре всего этого.Для нас Кирилл — герой; ему приходится принимать трудные решения. Naira clenches her fists, determination shining through her worried expression. NAIRA Then that must mean we must find Kirill before she does and protect him at all costs.Тогда это значит, что мы должны найти Кирилла раньше, чем она, и защитить его любой ценой. Travis nods firmly in agreement. TRAVIS Agreed. But we also need to uncover the truth behind this secret. That boy had to say his thanks to us for helping him beat the Mirrorer and Agapa six years ago. No traces of fighting werefound. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, a young curly redhead female, NAIRA, another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. Naira's eyes widen in shock at Travis' revelation. She knew that Agapa, the powerful sorceress who threatened Belovodie, was relentless in her pursuit of power and control. NAIRA But why? What does she want with him this time?Но почему? Что она хочет от него на этот раз? VERONA Agapa was hunting for Moasynkh for several centuries. He was likely encountered by circumstance. Just like Kirill.Агапа охотилас за Моасынгхом несколько столетий. Вероятно, он столкнулся с ней по обстоятельствам. Также как Кирилл. TRAVIS I have absolutely no doubt Agapa will want Kirill, as for what purpose, I'm not totally certain, but I believe he holds a key into what Agapa is seeking to use. I'm also feeling certain that those two were supposed to meet atsome point. No traces of fighting werefound. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, a young curly redhead female, NAIRA, another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. Travis looks up from examining Captain Andreev's body, his expression grim yet resolute. TRAVIS Whatever may have happened, I am most certain Agapa made contact with both men. The other is...you already knew. I believe Agapa will want to gain access to hi; make use of him.Что бы ни случилось, я совершенно уверен, что Агапа вступил в контакт с обоими мужчинами. Другой... вы уже знали. Я верю, что Агапа захочет получить к нему доступ; воспользуйся им. Naira's eyes widen in shock at Travis' revelation. She knew that Agapa, the powerful sorceress who threatened Belovodie, was relentless in her pursuit of power and control. NAIRA But why? What does she want with him this time?Но почему? Что она хочет от него на этот раз? VERONA Agapa was hunting for Moasynkh for several centuries. He was likely encountered by circumstance. Just like Kirill.Агапа охотилас за Моасынгхом несколько столетий. Вероятно, он столкнулся с ней по обстоятельствам. Также как Кирилл. TRAVIS I have absolutely no doubt Agapa will want Kirill, as for what purpose, I'm not totally certain, but I believe he holds a key into what Agapa is seeking to use. I'm also feeling certain that those two were supposed to meet atsome point. No traces of fighting werefound. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY Here lies the body of Captain Andreev, blue, glasseyed, and dead. The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, a young curly redhead female, NAIRA, another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. Still weak from battling against such darkness, Verona manages to whisper words of gratitude towards Naira before attempting to stand up on wobbly legs. Meanwhile, Captain Andreev lies lifeless nearby—an unfortunate casualty caught in this whirlwind of supernatural events caused by his own bloodline secret he never knew existed until now.Naira rushes to Verona's side, concern etched on her face. She helps Verona regain her balance as they both try to comprehend the gravity of the situation. TRAVIS approaches Captain Andreev's lifeless body and examines it with a mix of sorrow and determination. He knew that uncovering this secret would only lead them down a dangerous path but also understood its importance in keeping Belovodie safe. Naira turns towards Travis, her voice trembling slightly. NAIRA Travis, what do we do now? How could his own bloodline hold such dark magic? Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY Here lies the body of Captain Andreev, blue, glasseyed, and dead. The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, a young curly redhead female, NAIRA, another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. VERONA (horrified) Dark magic! Umbran magic!Темная магия! магия Умбры! Still weak from battling against such darkness, Verona manages to whisper words of gratitude towards Naira before attempting to stand up on wobbly legs. Meanwhile, Captain Andreev lies lifeless nearby—an unfortunate casualty caught in this whirlwind of supernatural events caused by his own bloodline secret he never knew existed until now.Naira rushes to Verona's side, concern etched on her face. She helps Verona regain her balance as they both try to comprehend the gravity of the situation. TRAVIS approaches Captain Andreev's lifeless body and examines it with a mix of sorrow and determination. He knew that uncovering this secret would only lead them down a dangerous path but also understood its importance in keeping Belovodie safe. Naira turns towards Travis, her voice trembling slightly. NAIRA Travis, what do we do now? How could his own bloodline hold such dark magic? Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY Here lies the body of Captain Andreev, blue, glasseyed, and dead. The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, a young curly redhead female, NAIRA, another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. VERONA (horrified) Dark magic! Umbran magic!Темная магия! магия Умбры! Still weak from battling against such darkness, Verona manages to whisper words of gratitude towards Naira before attempting to stand up on wobbly legs. Meanwhile, Captain Andreev lies lifeless nearby—an unfortunate casualty caught in this whirlwind of supernatural events caused by his own bloodline secret he never knew existed until now.Naira rushes to Verona's side, concern etched on her face. She helps Verona regain her balance as they both try to comprehend the gravity of the situation. TRAVIS approaches Captain Andreev's lifeless body and examines it with a mix of sorrow and determination. He knew that uncovering this secret would only lead them down a dangerous path but also understood its importance in keeping Belovodie safe. Naira turns towards Travis, her voice trembling slightly. NAIRA Travis, what do we do now? How could his own bloodline hold such dark magic? Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY Here lies the body of Captain Andreev, blue, glasseyed, and dead. The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, both female. A younger one, a curly redhead female, NAIRA, and another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. Still weak from battling against such darkness, Verona manages to whisper words of gratitude towards Naira before attempting to stand up on wobbly legs. Meanwhile, Captain Andreev lies lifeless nearby—an unfortunate casualty caught in this whirlwind of supernatural events caused by his own bloodline secret he never knew existed until now.Naira rushes to Verona's side, concern etched on her face. She helps Verona regain her balance as they both try to comprehend the gravity of the situation. TRAVIS approaches Captain Andreev's lifeless body and examines it with a mix of sorrow and determination. He knew that uncovering this secret would only lead them down a dangerous path but also understood its importance in keeping Belovodie safe. Naira turns towards Travis, her voice trembling slightly. NAIRA Travis, what do we do now? How could his own bloodline hold such dark magic? Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY Here lies the body of Captain Andreev, blue, glasseyed, and dead. The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, both female. A younger one, a curly redhead female, NAIRA, and another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. Still weak from battling against such darkness, Verona manages to whisper words of gratitude towards Naira before attempting to stand up on wobbly legs. Meanwhile, Captain Andreev lies lifeless nearby—an unfortunate casualty caught in this whirlwind of supernatural events caused by his own bloodline secret he never knew existed until now.Naira rushes to Verona's side, concern etched on her face. She helps Verona regain her balance as they both try to comprehend the gravity of the situation. TRAVIS approaches Captain Andreev's lifeless body and examines it with a mix of sorrow and determination. He knew that uncovering this secret would only lead them down a dangerous path but also understood its importance in keeping Belovodie safe. Naira turns towards Travis, her voice trembling slightly. NAIRA Travis, what do we do now? How could his own bloodline hold such dark magic? Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY Here lies the body of Captain Andreev, blue, glasseyed, and dead. The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, both female. A younger one, a curly redhead female, NAIRA, and another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. VERONA (horrified) Dark magic! Umbran magic!Темная магия! магия Умбры! Still weak from battling against such darkness, Verona manages to whisper words of gratitude towards Naira before attempting to stand up on wobbly legs. Meanwhile, Captain Andreev lies lifeless nearby—an unfortunate casualty caught in this whirlwind of supernatural events caused by his own bloodline secret he never knew existed until now.Naira rushes to Verona's side, concern etched on her face. She helps Verona regain her balance as they both try to comprehend the gravity of the situation. TRAVIS approaches Captain Andreev's lifeless body and examines it with a mix of sorrow and determination. He knew that uncovering this secret would only lead them down a dangerous path but also understood its importance in keeping Belovodie safe. Naira turns towards Travis, her voice trembling slightly. NAIRA Travis, what do we do now? How could his own bloodline hold such dark magic? Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY Here lies the body of Captain Andreev, blue, glasseyed, and dead. The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, both female. A younger one, a curly redhead female, NAIRA, and another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. VERONA (horrified) Dark magic! Umbran magic!Темная магия! магия Умбры! Still weak from battling against such darkness, Verona manages to whisper words of gratitude towards Naira before attempting to stand up on wobbly legs. Meanwhile, Captain Andreev lies lifeless nearby—an unfortunate casualty caught in this whirlwind of supernatural events caused by his own bloodline secret he never knew existed until now.Naira rushes to Verona's side, concern etched on her face. She helps Verona regain her balance as they both try to comprehend the gravity of the situation. TRAVIS approaches Captain Andreev's lifeless body and examines it with a mix of sorrow and determination. He knew that uncovering this secret would only lead them down a dangerous path but also understood its importance in keeping Belovodie safe. Naira turns towards Travis, her voice trembling slightly. NAIRA Travis, what do we do now? How could his own bloodline hold such dark magic? Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY Here lies the body of Captain Andreev, blue, glasseyed, and dead. The KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, both female. A younger one, a curly redhead female, NAIRA, and another much older female VERONA, and TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. VERONA (horrified) Dark magic! Umbran magic!Темная магия! магия Умбры! Still weak from battling against such darkness, Verona manages to whisper words of gratitude towards Naira before attempting to stand up on wobbly legs. Meanwhile, Captain Andreev lies lifeless nearby—an unfortunate casualty caught in this whirlwind of supernatural events caused by his own bloodline secret he never knew existed until now.Naira rushes to Verona's side, concern etched on her face. She helps Verona regain her balance as they both try to comprehend the gravity of the situation. TRAVIS approaches Captain Andreev's lifeless body and examines it with a mix of sorrow and determination. He knew that uncovering this secret would only lead them down a dangerous path but also understood its importance in keeping Belovodie safe. Naira turns towards Travis, her voice trembling slightly. NAIRA Travis, what do we do now? How could his own bloodline hold such dark magic? Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY Here lies the body of Captain Andreev, blue, glasseyed, and dead. A portal appears in the forest. Out of it come two figures. TWO of the KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, both female. A younger one, a curly redhead, NAIRA, and another much older VERONA. They look at the body nd realize this is their fellow Keeper's biological father. VERONA spots the black feather. Curious, she picks it up, but then, she, too is wralening... Naira blasts te feather off, saving Verona, but sheis already stricken.Another Keeper enters the scene. TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. VERONA (horrified) Dark magic! Umbran magic!Темная магия! магия Умбры! Still weak from battling against such darkness, Verona manages to whisper words of gratitude towards Naira before attempting to stand up on wobbly legs. Meanwhile, Captain Andreev lies lifeless nearby—an unfortunate casualty caught in this whirlwind of supernatural events caused by his own bloodline secret he never knew existed until now.Naira rushes to Verona's side, concern etched on her face. She helps Verona regain her balance as they both try to comprehend the gravity of the situation. TRAVIS approaches Captain Andreev's lifeless body and examines it with a mix of sorrow and determination. He knew that uncovering this secret would only lead them down a dangerous path but also understood its importance in keeping Belovodie safe. Naira turns towards Travis, her voice trembling slightly. NAIRA Travis, what do we do now? How could his own bloodline hold such dark magic? Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY Here lies the body of Captain Andreev, blue, glasseyed, and dead. A portal appears in the forest. Out of it come two figures. TWO of the KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, both female. A younger one, a curly redhead, NAIRA, and another much older VERONA. They look at the body nd realize this is their fellow Keeper's biological father. VERONA spots the black feather. Curious, she picks it up, but then, she, too is wralening... Naira blasts te feather off, saving Verona, but sheis already stricken.Another Keeper enters the scene. TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. VERONA (horrified) Dark magic! Umbran magic!Темная магия! магия Умбры! Still weak from battling against such darkness, Verona manages to whisper words of gratitude towards Naira before attempting to stand up on wobbly legs. Meanwhile, Captain Andreev lies lifeless nearby—an unfortunate casualty caught in this whirlwind of supernatural events caused by his own bloodline secret he never knew existed until now.Naira rushes to Verona's side, concern etched on her face. She helps Verona regain her balance as they both try to comprehend the gravity of the situation. TRAVIS approaches Captain Andreev's lifeless body and examines it with a mix of sorrow and determination. He knew that uncovering this secret would only lead them down a dangerous path but also understood its importance in keeping Belovodie safe. Naira turns towards Travis, her voice trembling slightly. NAIRA Travis, what do we do now? How could his own bloodline hold such dark magic? Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
EXT. OPEN PARK - DAY Here lies the body of Captain Andreev, blue, glasseyed, and dead. A portal appears in the forest. Out of it come two figures. TWO of the KEEPERS OF BELOVODIE, both female. A younger one, a curly redhead, NAIRA, and another much older VERONA. They look at the body nd realize this is their fellow Keeper's biological father. VERONA spots the black feather. Curious, she picks it up, but then, she, too is wralening... Naira blasts te feather off, saving Verona, but sheis already stricken.Another Keeper enters the scene. TRAVIS, male, 40s, black long hair. VERONA (horrified) Dark magic! Umbran magic!Темная магия! магия Умбры! Still weak from battling against such darkness, Verona manages to whisper words of gratitude towards Naira before attempting to stand up on wobbly legs. Meanwhile, Captain Andreev lies lifeless nearby—an unfortunate casualty caught in this whirlwind of supernatural events caused by his own bloodline secret he never knew existed until now.Naira rushes to Verona's side, concern etched on her face. She helps Verona regain her balance as they both try to comprehend the gravity of the situation. TRAVIS approaches Captain Andreev's lifeless body and examines it with a mix of sorrow and determination. He knew that uncovering this secret would only lead them down a dangerous path but also understood its importance in keeping Belovodie safe. Naira turns towards Travis, her voice trembling slightly. NAIRA Travis, what do we do now? How could his own bloodline hold such dark magic? Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“I/E. TGP HQ - DAY ALEKSEY LEBEDEV A total of 35 people knew the real plan in Ukraine. The Americans seemed to have managed to launch shipping traffic to Beirut, prior to the explosion four years ago. Somehow, they must have picked up that set of pillars. Всего 35 человек знали реальный план в Украине. Американцам удалось наладить судоходство в Бейрут еще до взрыва четыре года назад. Каким- то образом они, должно быть, подобрали этот набор столбов. ASTRID FRISBEY We believe the Americans deduced that the pillars were some sort of alien tech, believed they had it mastered and tried to harness it at the port of Beirut. We took hundreds of photos and samples. We locked them away forever when the program was shut down. Мы полагаем, что американцы пришли к выводу, что эти столбы являются какой-то иностранной технологией, поверили, что они ее освоили, и попытались использовать ее в порту Бейрута. Мы сделали сотни фотографий и образцов. Мы заперли их навсегда, когда программа была закрыта. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“I/E. TGP HQ - DAY ALEKSEY LEBEDEV A total of 35 people knew the real plan in Ukraine. The Americans seemed to have managed to launch shipping traffic to Beirut, prior to the explosion four years ago. Somehow, they must have picked up that set of pillars. Всего 35 человек знали реальный план в Украине. Американцам удалось наладить судоходство в Бейрут еще до взрыва четыре года назад. Каким- то образом они, должно быть, подобрали этот набор столбов. ASTRID FRISBEY We believe the Americans deduced that the pillars were some sort of alien tech, believed they had it mastered and tried to harness it at the port of Beirut. We took hundreds of photos and samples. We locked them away forever when the program was shut down. Мы полагаем, что американцы пришли к выводу, что эти столбы являются какой-то иностранной технологией, поверили, что они ее освоили, и попытались использовать ее в порту Бейрута. Мы сделали сотни фотографий и образцов. Мы заперли их навсегда, когда программа была закрыта. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“I/E. TGP HQ - DAY Flashback to when they initially returned from the moon mission. COMMANDER IN CHIEF This was an event you will never speak of. Это событие, о котором никогда не будете говорить. NIKOLAYEVICH (YOUNG) I understand, sir. Я понимаю, сэр. Return to the present. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“I/E. TGP HQ - DAY GENRI BEDAREV This being...is what Fire Maelstrom and I were hunting for. In other words, we're solving the mystery, and I know who it might be. We were sworn to secrecy by our Commander in Chief. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“I/E. TGP HQ - DAY GENRI BEDAREV This being...is what Fire Maelstrom and I were hunting for. In other words, we're solving the mystery, and I know who it might be. We were sworn to secrecy by our Commander in Chief. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“I/E. TGP HQ - DAY We see minor flachbacks to the Novoselitse attack of 1990. PHILLIP BERGES A squad led by Captain Mikhail Andreev and Gunnery Sergeant Evgeniy Sergeyeevich, were settling on a base not far from the Ukrainian city of Novoselitsa. At 0830 local time in June 1990, this army training camp was attacked by a mysterious being. As far as we know, there are no survivors. Отряд во главе с капитаном Михаилом Андреевым и сержантом-артиллеристом Евгением Сергеевичем обосновался на базе неподалеку от украинского города Новоселица. В 08:30 по местному времени в июне 1990 года этот армейский тренировочный лагерь подвергся нападению таинственного существа. Насколько нам известно, выживших нет. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“I/E. TGP HQ - DAY We see minor flachbacks to the Novoselitse attack of 1990. PHILLIP BERGES A squad led by Captain Mikhail Andreev and Gunnery Sergeant Evgeniy Sergeyeevich, were settling on a base not far from the Ukrainian city of Novoselitsa. At 0830 local time in June 1990, this army training camp was attacked by a mysterious being. As far as we know, there are no survivors. Отряд во главе с капитаном Михаилом Андреевым и сержантом-артиллеристом Евгением Сергеевичем обосновался на базе неподалеку от украинского города Новоселица. В 08:30 по местному времени в июне 1990 года этот армейский тренировочный лагерь подвергся нападению таинственного существа. Насколько нам известно, выживших нет. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“I/E. TGP HQ - DAY Her aide hands her a red bag. ASTRID FRISBEY (CONT'D) This is a secret few men knew, and fewer still remain alive. Our entire mystery we just started to solve, it seems to me, was a response to an event.Эту тайну знали немногие люди, и еще меньше людей осталось в живых. Вся наша загадка, которую мы только начали разгадывать, мне кажется, была реакцией на событие. We see minor flachbacks to the Novoselitse attack of 1990. PHILLIP BERGES A squad led by Captain Mikhail Andreev and Gunnery Sergeant Evgeniy Sergeyeevich, were settling on a base not far from the Ukrainian city of Novoselitsa. At 0830 local time in June 1990, this army training camp was attacked by a mysterious being. As far as we know, there are no survivors. Отряд во главе с капитаном Михаилом Андреевым и сержантом-артиллеристом Евгением Сергеевичем обосновался на базе неподалеку от украинского города Новоселица. В 08:30 по местному времени в июне 1990 года этот армейский тренировочный лагерь подвергся нападению таинственного существа. Насколько нам известно, выживших нет. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“I/E. TGP HQ - DAY Her aide is holding three bags. ASTRID'S AIDE Which bag? Какую сумку? ASTRID FRISBEY Hermes Birkin, please. Эрмес Биркин, пожалуйста. Her aide hands her a red bag. ASTRID FRISBEY (CONT'D) This is a secret few men knew, and fewer still remain alive. Our entire mystery we just started to solve, it seems to me, was a response to an event.Эту тайну знали немногие люди, и еще меньше людей осталось в живых. Вся наша загадка, которую мы только начали разгадывать, мне кажется, была реакцией на событие. We see minor flachbacks to the Novoselitse attack of 1990. PHILLIP BERGES A squad led by Captain Mikhail Andreev and Gunnery Sergeant Evgeniy Sergeyeevich, were settling on a base not far from the Ukrainian city of Novoselitsa. At 0830 local time in June 1990, this army training camp was attacked by a mysterious being. As far as we know, there are no survivors. Отряд во главе с капитаном Михаилом Андреевым и сержантом-артиллеристом Евгением Сергеевичем обосновался на базе неподалеку от украинского города Новоселица. В 08:30 по местному времени в июне 1990 года этот армейский тренировочный лагерь подвергся нападению таинственного существа. Насколько нам известно, выживших нет. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
“I/E. TGP HQ - DAY ASTRID FRISBEY We were in the dark on this also. It was director-only clearance at the Genisys Project until now. The project has been shut down since then. The bag. Мы тоже были в неведении по этому поводу. До сих пор в проекте «Генезис» это было разрешение только для директора. С тех пор проект был закрыт. дайте сумку. Her aide is holding three bags. ASTRID'S AIDE Which bag? Какую сумку? ASTRID FRISBEY Hermes Birkin, please. Эрмес Биркин, пожалуйста. Her aide hands her a red bag. ASTRID FRISBEY (CONT'D) This is a secret few men knew, and fewer still remain alive. Our entire mystery we just started to solve, it seems to me, was a response to an event.Эту тайну знали немногие люди, и еще меньше людей осталось в живых. Вся наша загадка, которую мы только начали разгадывать, мне кажется, была реакцией на событие. We see minor flachbacks to the Novoselitse attack of 1990. PHILLIP BERGES A squad led by Captain Mikhail Andreev and Gunnery Sergeant Evgeniy Sergeyeevich, were settling on a base not far from the Ukrainian city of Novoselitsa. At 0830 local time in June 1990, this army training camp was attacked by a mysterious being. As far as we know, there are no survivors. Отряд во главе с капитаном Михаилом Андреевым и сержантом-артиллеристом Евгением Сергеевичем обосновался на базе неподалеку от украинского города Новоселица. В 08:30 по местному времени в июне 1990 года этот армейский тренировочный лагерь подвергся нападению таинственного существа. Насколько нам известно, выживших нет. Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”
Alien object displayed in a vintage cabinet, illuminated by a single light bulb
Alien artifacts on a work table at dusk in Area 51
“I/E. TGP HQ - DAY He points to the alien objects retrieved from Beirut. GENRI BEDAREV (CONT'D) So why was this found in American possession? Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”