INT. AVIATSIONNAYA - SAME TIME Inside the train station, Frisbey walks to the main space of the station when a familiar voice barrels towards her. Xenonya also has entered the station. Frisbey turns around, recognizing Xenonya's voice. The two ladies meet face to face. Frisbey's eyes widen in surprise as she locks eyes with Xenonya. A mixture of emotions washes over her - relief, curiosity, and a hint of apprehension. XENONYA (CONT'D) (slyly) Well, well, well. Astrid Belle Frisbey. Так так так. Астрид Белль Фрисби. ASTRID FRISBEY Agent Yami... Former Agent Yamikll Tewwawo'ite. So I see you survived Florida. Агент Ями... Бывшая агент Ямикл Тьюваво'ит. Я вижу, ты выжила Флориду. XENONYA Pandora, Florida, Sochi, heartbreak. I survive. With Eywa's help, I survive. With Veselov's help, I survive. I will survive! Пандора, Флорида, Сочи, горе. Я выживу. С помощью Эйвы я выживу. С помощью Веселова я выживу. Я вы..жи..ву! Hyperrealistic 8K -neg morphing, erratic fluctuation in motion, noisy, bad quality, distorted, poorly drawn, blurry, grainy, low resolution, oversaturated, lack of detail, inconsistent lighting.”