The camera pans up from the busy city street. The sky is a dull gray, with tall buildings stretching in every direction. The distant hum of traffic fills the air. [Mid Shot: Bird Struggling] A small bird flutters frantically, its wings tangled in a web of electrical wires high above the street. Its tiny body jerks as it tries to free itself, but the wires tighten around its feathers. The bird chirps desperately, its beak opening in distress. [Close-Up: Bird’s Wing] The camera zooms in—one wing is tightly wrapped in the cables, preventing it from moving. The bird flaps harder, its feathers ruffling in frustration. Sparks flicker slightly as the wires shake. [Wide Shot: City Below] Below, cars rush by, and people walk along the sidewalks, unaware of the struggling bird. The wires sway slightly with the bird’s movements, but the entanglement remains firm. [Extreme Close-Up: Bird’s Eye] The bird’s eye reflects the bustling city below. Its breathing is quick, panic setting in. It gives one last desperate flutter but fails to escape.