Companies and investments topic
Companies and investments topic
Companies and investments topic
first programming language for personal computers
first programming language for personal computers
Mathew perry before and after (In teh after show him sick)
Mathew perry before and after (In teh after show him sick)
Mathew perry before and after
Friends Serie before and after (Mathew perry)
Friends Serie before and after
Friends Serie before and after
Napoleon Bonaparte at his 51's
Napoleon Bonaparte Old
Napoleon Bonaparte in Santa elena island 1815
Santa elena island 1815
Santa elena island 1815
Napoleon Bonaparte returns to France in 1815
Allied forces invade France 1815
Allied forces invade France 1815
a painting of a group of men in military uniforms
Napoleon Bonaparte would be exiled to the island of Elba and Louis XVIII returns to the throne of France
Allied forces invade France and force Napoleon to abdicate for the first time
Allied forces invade France and force Napoleon to abdicate for the first time
He would be defeated in the Battle of the Nations in Leipzig, this would be the largest of the Napoleonic Wars, forcing him to withdraw from Germany. (Fire, cannions, explotions) 1815
He would be defeated in the Battle of the Nations in Leipzig, this would be the largest of the Napoleonic Wars, forcing him to withdraw from Germany. (Fire, cannions, explotions)
He would be defeated in the Battle of the Nations in Leipzig, this would be the largest of the Napoleonic Wars, forcing him to withdraw from Germany.
Russia would be joining Great Britain, Prussia, Austria and Sweden to fight Napoleon 1815
Rusia map in 1810
Napoleon Bonaparte's disastrous campaign and military failures with the loss of much of his army due to cold, hunger and disease in Russia 1812 (Show how his army were reduced)
Napoleon Bonaparte's disastrous campaign and military failures with the loss of much of his army due to cold, hunger and disease in Russia 1812
Napoleon Bonaparte's disastrous campaign and military failures with the loss of much of his army due to cold, hunger and disease in Russia 1812
In June 1810, Napoleon launches a massive invasion of Russia with more than 600,000 men, marking the beginning of his most disastrous campaign (In snown)