A poor woodcutter was cutting wood with his donkey in the forest
A poor woodcutter was cutting wood with his donkey in the forest
One day, after listening to the problems of the subjects as usual, the prince was in the forest, free from the world, absorbed in the remembrance of God
One day, after listening to the problems of the subjects as usual, the prince was in the forest, free from the world, absorbed in the remembrance of God
One day, after listening to the problems of the subjects as usual, the prince was in the forest, free from the world, absorbed in the remembrance of God
One day, after listening to the problems of the subjects as usual, the prince was in the forest, free from the world, absorbed in the remembrance of God
One day, after listening to the problems of the subjects as usual, the prince was in the forest, free from the world, absorbed in the remembrance of God
One day, after listening to the problems of the subjects as usual, the prince was in the forest, free from the world, absorbed in the remembrance of God
He was a prince, but he had neither the arrogance of the kings nor the majesty of the king. He lived like a common man
He was a prince, but he had neither the arrogance of the kings nor the majesty of the king. He lived like a common man
He was a prince, but he had neither the arrogance of the kings nor the majesty of the king. He lived like a common man
He was a prince, but he had neither the arrogance of the kings nor the majesty of the king. He lived like a common man
In the forest of Egypt, a prince had a few vessels full of milk
In the forest of Egypt, a prince had a few vessels full of milk
A prince milking a goat in the jungle of Egypt
A prince milking a goat in the jungle of Egypt
In the forest of Egypt, a prince used to graze a few goats and obtain milk from the goats
A prince in the forest of Egypt used to herd a few goats and live on their milk and forest fruits
A prince in the forest of Egypt used to herd a few goats and live on their milk and forest fruits
As soon as the princess left the room, the man took the spinach out of his mouth
The man was very intelligent, the man drank the juice but did not swallow it
The man was very intelligent, the man drank the juice but did not swallow it
The man was very intelligent, the man drank the juice but did not swallow it
The man was very intelligent, the man drank the juice but did not swallow it
At night, the princess brought juice for the man
At night, the princess brought juice for the man
At night, the princess brought juice for the man
At night, the princess brought juice for the man
At night, the elder princess brought juice for the man
At night, the elder princess brought juice for the man
The king gave the man in his court three days to find out the secret
The king gave the man in his court three days to find out the secret
When the man reached the king's court, the king welcomed the man
When the man reached the king's court, the king welcomed the man
When the man reached the kingdom of the king, the king welcomed the man
When the man reached the kingdom of the king, the king welcomed the man
The soldier reached the kingdom of the king. The king welcomed the soldier