The distinct purposes of the tribulation and the church's mission
The distinct purposes of the tribulation and the church's mission
According to Daniel 9:27, there is a seventieth “seven” (seven years) that is yet to come
According to Daniel 9:27, there is a seventieth “seven” (seven years) that is yet to come
intense wrath of God
intense wrath of God
general tribulations
general tribulations
believers will be raptured before the worst of God's judgments are poured out on the earth
believers will be raptured before the worst of God's judgments are poured out on the earth
the rapture happens at the end of the tribulation, with believers experiencing the entirety of the tribulation before being taken up to meet Christ
the rapture happens at the end of the tribulation, with believers experiencing the entirety of the tribulation before being taken up to meet Christ
the rapture occurs at or near the midpoint of the tribulation, approximately three and a half years into the seven-year period
the rapture occurs at or near the midpoint of the tribulation, approximately three and a half years into the seven-year period
the debate on rapture
the debate on rapture
the debate on rapture
a group of children flying through the air
a group of children flying through the air
Consequently, this is a subject about which we should not be dogmatic.
Consequently, this is a subject about which we should not be dogmatic.
humam beings in the world
a painting of a man and a woman eating apples
a painting of a man and a woman eating apples
grieving heart
grieving heart
overlooked in the discussion regarding the age of accountability is the fact that children, no matter how young, are not "innocent" in the sense of being sinless.
God's mercy and justice
God's mercy and justice
children in the kingdom of God
children in the kingdom of God
The concept of the "age of accountability" revolves around the belief that children are not held accountable by God for their sins until they reach a specific age.
The concept of the "age of accountability" revolves around the belief that children are not held accountable by God for their sins until they reach a specific age.
enhance evangelistic efforts
enhance evangelistic efforts