Worship, prayer, and the study of God’s Word release the supernatural.
Worship, prayer, and the study of God’s Word release the supernatural.
show Angels beside believers who are transparent before God.
angels on mission
Are you ready to unlock the angelic realm? Angelic visitations - the idea of experiencing a divine presence or encountering a being of light can be both fascinating and intimidating at the same time. But what if I told you that these experiences are more accessible than you think, and that with the right mindset and knowledge, you can ATTRACT these ANGELIC visitations?
What actually happens is this, when you talk carelessly, you feed the beast, but when you stay silent, you starve it
The spiritual realm operates on principles of unity and influence. When you engage with others, even unknowingly, you can open spiritual doors. This is why some people manifest during deliverance without a demon inside them—the spirit of God is uprooting hidden spiritual ties.
show Jesus Christ as a teenager in the synagogue with elders
Jesus Christ at 12 years old was in the temple for worship. show Jesus with elders in the synagogue
Perhaps you've witnessed patterns—miscarried dreams, sudden misfortunes, or unexpected failures—just as breakthrough seemed near. Sometimes, the very act of sharing your excitement opens the door for unseen opposition. People who silently envy your blessings can project negativity that manifests in real obstacles
Perhaps you've witnessed patterns—miscarried dreams, sudden misfortunes, or unexpected failures—just as breakthrough seemed near
Learn to recognize the people around you. Often, what threatens progress isn’t far removed—it can be close by, hidden in plain sight. Be mindful of those who pretend to celebrate while harboring envy.
If you’ve faced situations where projects collapsed at the final hour
Consider the story of Joseph in Genesis 37. God gave him prophetic dreams of greatness, yet when he shared them with his brothers, their response was not support—it was jealousy. His openness led to betrayal and hardship. Joseph’s journey underscores the importance of timing and discretion. Not everyone is prepared to celebrate the call of God on your life.
In life, one of the most vital lessons is understanding the value of discretion. As believers, it's essential to walk with wisdom, recognizing that not every thought, plan, or vision is meant to be shared openly. The words we speak can inadvertently invite unnecessary opposition, both in the physical and spiritual realms
In a world of brokenness and sin, Christ came as the light to dispel darkness.
christmas holiday
Christmas has been a time for storytelling, with tales of St. Nicholas, the Nativity, and festive traditions passed down through generations.
trinkets, inverted crosses, demonic paintings, charms, talisman on the table stools in a parlor
The Apostates
What Does It Mean to Blaspheme Against the Holy Spirit? Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit goes beyond casual or accidental words spoken in ignorance. It is an intentional, willful act of defiance. It is the decision to reject repentance and persist in rebellion after receiving the truth of the Gospel and experiencing the work of the Holy Spirit.
The Blasphemers
Despite hearing the Gospel repeatedly, many refuse to believe. This rejection leaves them without salvation.
pharisees in the courtyard gathered around Jesus
The self-righteous elevate themselves and believe they are better than others. They wallow in pride, arrogance, and conceit.
But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’
show a lady desperate because she is left behind at the rapture. real situation
One powerful example of Christianity’s transformation of Roman culture was the cross. Originally a symbol of shame and brutal execution, it became the ultimate symbol of hope and redemption.
Christmas aligned with the Roman Saturnalia and Sol Invictus festivals, easing the transition for converts.
During plagues and natural disasters, Christian charity shone brightly. While many Romans fled from the sick, Christians stayed behind to nurse them, often at great personal risk.
Christianity's rise was not just a theological victory; it was also a social revolution. Early Christians formed tight-knit communities,
Mystery religions, such as the cults of Mithras, Isis, and Cybele
Roman society was deeply polytheistic, with an emphasis on state-sponsored rituals and worship of deities like Jupiter, Mars, and Venus.
roman empire
As a young man, David exhibited remarkable courage and strength. He defeated Goliath, led Israel's armies, and trained others to conquer giants.
Youthful strength is a gift, a divine endowment that enables young people to work tirelessly, pursue ambitions, and make impactful contributions to their world.