Here are some prompts based on the story to help you visualize: 1. Describe the music shop in the mall. What does it look like? What instruments are on display? 2. Imagine the old man who owns the shop. What's his personality like? How does he interact with customers? 3. Picture the young boy who finds the horn. What's his age, appearance, and demeanor? 4. Visualize the moment when the boy blows the horn for the first time. What does the scene look like? How do people react? 5. Describe the sound of the horn. Is it loud, soft, clear, or muted? How does it make you feel? 6. Envision the mall transforming into a community hub as people gather to listen to the horn. What does the atmosphere look like? 7. Illustrate the friendship between the old man and the boy. What activities do they do together? 8. Imagine the horn's history before it ended up in the shop. Where did it come from? Who played it befo