Rockstar drummer playing a kit surrounded by laser lights and fog, creating an otherworldly atmosphere
A Sperstar RocknRoll Drummer Singing and Playing the Drums
RocknRoll Superstar Guitarist wearing a Stag t-shirt
Superstar Rock N Roll Bass Guitar Member Wearing Colonel Tuxedo
If I could do my life different, much of my past would fade.
If I could start over and If I could do it all again how many changes would I have to be made?
make all the wrongs right, would I still be the same person today?
Tom and Ed Boogie'n on the music.
two pictures of a man with a guitar and a woman with a hat
Mark and Tom going at it on the guitars
Jimbo the producer of the bands light show
Tom the best rock and roll guitar's
Gorgeous female groupie, with multi color hair, wearing a low v-neck mini dress
a painting of a woman sitting on a chair surrounded by birds