Man and lion, I'm glad I could help, let's be friends
Man and lion, I'm glad I could help, let's be friends
Man and lion, I'm glad I could help, let's be friends
Man and lion, I'm glad I could help, let's be friends
Lion says man
Lion thank man, says you're very kind
Lion thank man, says you're very kind
Man removed the thrones from the lion's paw
Man carefully approached Leo and, with steady hands, removed the thrones from the lion's paw
Man carefully approached Leo and, with steady hands, removed the thrones from the lion's paw
Man carefully approached Leo and, with steady hands, removed the thrones from the lion's paw
Lion says man
Lion says man
Lion says, man plz help me I promise, I won't hurt you
Man talke lion
Man help lion
Slave talk lion
Slave help lion
Nearby a, poor slave, who had escape from his curel master, heard the lion's roars. Tough he was frightened he decide to help.
Nearby a, poor slave, who had escape from his curel master, heard the lion's roars. Tough he was frightened he decide to help.
Lion (roaring in pain) roaaar! Help! Someone help me
Lion (roaring in pain) roaaar! Help! Someone help me
In a forest, there was mighty lion. One afternoon, as lion was wandering through the forest, he got his paw stuck in a a thorny bush.
In a forest, there was mighty lion. One afternoon, as lion was wandering through the forest, he got his paw stuck in a a thorny bush.
In a forest, there was mighty lion. One afternoon, as lion was wandering through the forest, he got his paw stuck in a a thorny bush.
Rabbit says loin, I can beet you in the race,
In a suuny forest, a boastful loin declares himself the fastest animal in the jungle. Hearing this, a small but confident hare hops forward.
In a suuny forest, a boastful loin declares himself the fastest animal in the jungle. Hearing this, a small but confident hare hops forward.
In a suuny forest, a boastful loin declares himself the fastest animal in the jungle. Hearing this, a small but confident hare hops forward.
Younger goat and little goat go forrest
Younger goat and little goat find the wolf
Younger goat and little goat find the wolf
Little one goat said younger goat
Little one goat said younger goat
Goat back home.
Wolf enter house and eat 6 little goats.