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Videos by EagleSensuous4

a wicked old fairy opened the palace door .

Seed: 3488005234

a wicked old fairy opened the palace door .

Forest fairies gifting natural elements to newborn prince

a wicked old fairy arrived at the palace door

Forest fairies gifting natural elements to newborn prince

All the fairies brought special gifts newborn baby princes

All the fairies brought special gifts for the baby princess

All the fairies brought special gifts for the baby princess

French Queen Queen gave birth to a little girl

Fairies from all over were invited for a grand feast to celebrate the occasion

Fairies from all over were invited for a grand feast to celebrate the occasion

the Queen gave birth to a little girl

All the bells in the kingdom were rung with joy

the Queen gave birth to a little girl

king and queen are tensed

king and queen in a french palace

king and queen were longing for a child.

king and queen living in a french palace

king and queen living in a french palace

little boy is saying hooray to old carpenter in excietment

little boy is saying hooray to old carpenter in excietment

pinocchio is saying hooray to old carpenter in excietment

pinocchio is saying hooray to old carpenter

little boy pinocchio is happy seeing himself

little boy pinocchio seeing himself

pinocchio seeing himself

pinocchio and old gepto making plan inside whale belly

pinocchio and gepto making plan inside whale belly

pinocchio and gepto making plan inside waterle belly

pinocchio and gepto making plan inside water

pinocchio and gepto making plan iside water

pinocchio seeing himself with amazement

pinocchio telling old geppto some exciting newsseeing himself with amazement

pinocchio telling old geppto some exciting news

pinocchio telling old geppto some exciting news

pinocchio running towards old geppto

Old Gepto and Pinocchio talking happily