Noah and his family repopulate the Earth after the flood. His descendants are dispersed, but humanity unites to build the Tower of Babel. God intervenes, confusing their languages to disperse them
Noah and his family repopulate the Earth after the flood. His descendants are dispersed, but humanity unites to build the Tower of Babel. God intervenes, confusing their languages to disperse them
Witness the saga of Noah: the flood that changed the world forever. How did his faith and obedience lead to salvation in the midst of the global flood? Discover the meaning of the rainbow as a symbol of hope and renewal.
Explore Noah's epic journey against a devastating flood. How did he save his family and all of Earth's creatures? Discover the incredible story of the ark and the divine promise of a new beginning."
Discover the moving story of love, sin and redemption through the saga of Adam and Eve after being expelled from Eden, where their sons Cain and Abel unleash a tragedy that would shape the destiny of humanity, culminating in the divine promise of a Savior.
Explore Adam and Eve's epic post-Eden journey, facing challenges and learning to farm the land, as their sons Cain and Abel fight for divine favor, sparking tragedy and hope."
Eden and the Fall Opening: A peaceful view of the Garden of Eden, with Adam and Eve living in harmony. Scenes: The cunning serpent approaching Eve and deceiving her with promises of divinity. Eve eating the forbidden fruit and offering it to Adam, who also eats it. Adam and Eve's moment of realization, covering themselves with fig leaves. God confronting Adam and Eve, followed by the consequences of their actions. Conclusion: Adam and Eve being dressed by God in fur robes and being sent out of Eden, while cherubs guard the path to the tree of life.
The Journey of Creation Opening: An animation showing the universe in total darkness, followed by the powerful voice of God bringing existence into the light, separating it from the darkness. Scenes: The formation of the firmament and the heavens expanding. Waters parting and dry land emerging, with vegetation sprouting rapidly. The sun, moon and stars illuminating the sky in a cosmic ballet. Marine life and birds filling the waters and skies. Land animals and human beings being created, with the emphasis on the image of God giving life to man. Conclusion: A representation of the Garden of Eden, with Adam tending the garden and God planting the trees of life and knowledge.
As we await Jesus' glorious return, we continue to live in faith, in the certainty that he is faithful to fulfill all his promises. And so the story of God's covenants with us becomes not just an ancient narrative, but a present reality and a future hope for all those who receive Him as Lord and Savior of their lives.
Today, the promise of the New Covenant is still alive for all of us. God still offers forgiveness for sinners, reconciliation for the lost and hope for the hopeless. The promise of eternal life in communion with God through Jesus Christ remains as valid and accessible as ever.
Today, the promise of the New Covenant is still alive for all of us. God still offers forgiveness for sinners, reconciliation for the lost and hope for the hopeless. The promise of eternal life in communion with God through Jesus Christ remains as valid and accessible as ever.
Despite adversity, persecution and challenges throughout history, the church has grown and strengthened. Millions of lives have been transformed by the power of the Gospel, and entire communities have been impacted by the presence and love of Christ.
The story of God's covenants doesn't just end with the first centuries of the early church, but continues to the present day and beyond. Throughout the centuries, the message of the New Covenant has been carried to the ends of the earth by faithful men and women who have been inspired by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the gospel of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Thus, the story of God's covenants, from Noah to Jesus and beyond, is a continuous narrative of His redeeming love and His provision for the salvation of humanity. Each chapter of this story reveals God's faithful character and His unwavering commitment to restoring His people to fellowship with Him through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.
Over the centuries, the message of the New Covenant has continued to spread throughout the world, transforming lives and bringing hope and salvation to all who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. God's promise of an eternal covenant, sealed in the blood of Jesus, remains valid for all who believe, offering forgiveness, reconciliation with God and eternal life.
The early church grew rapidly, despite persecution and adversity. The apostles and other disciples traveled to different regions, taking the Gospel to Jews and Gentiles, fulfilling Jesus' great commission to make disciples of all nations.
Guided by the Holy Spirit, the disciples became courageous and bold witnesses for Jesus. Peter preached a powerful sermon, in which many were touched and converted. Thus began an abundant spiritual harvest, as thousands repented of their sins, were baptized and joined the community of believers.
A few days later, on the day of Pentecost, while the disciples were gathered together, there came a sound like a rushing wind and tongues of fire fell on each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in languages they had never learned before, proclaiming the greatness of God to everyone present. This powerful event marked the beginning of the Christian church and the fulfillment of Jesus' promise to empower His followers to carry on the Gospel message.
After his resurrection and before ascending into heaven, Jesus instructed his disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the Father: the Holy Spirit, who would enable them to witness with power throughout the world. They obeyed and remained united in prayer, awaiting the fulfillment of this promise.
Thus, the story of God's covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and finally Jesus reveals His unconditional love, His unchanging faithfulness and His deep desire to restore and save humanity. Each covenant was a step forward in the divine plan of redemption, culminating in Christ's perfect work on the cross and the eternal hope offered to all who turn to Him in faith.
After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples, reaffirming the promises made in the New Covenant and commissioning them to spread the Gospel throughout the world. He promised to send the Holy Spirit to enable them to fulfill this mission and be His witnesses to the ends of the earth.
On the cross, Jesus consummated the New Covenant with his shed blood. He died for the sins of all humanity, offering forgiveness and reconciliation to all who believe in Him. Three days later, He rose again, conquering sin and death, and showing His power over all creation.
Jesus gathered disciples around Him, teaching them the ways of the Father and preparing them to continue His work after His death and resurrection. At the Last Supper, He instituted the Lord's Supper, a memorial of His imminent sacrifice on the cross, where He would give Himself as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Jesus gathered disciples around Him, teaching them the ways of the Father and preparing them to continue His work after His death and resurrection. At the Last Supper, He instituted the Lord's Supper, a memorial of His imminent sacrifice on the cross, where He would give Himself as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
With the arrival of Jesus, the New Covenant was inaugurated with a promise of reconciliation between God and humanity. Jesus taught about God's love, His mercy and His plan to restore the relationship lost due to sin. He ministered, healed the sick and announced the Kingdom of God, fulfilling the ancient prophecies that pointed to the promised Messiah.
So, throughout history, God has made covenants with His people, revealing His love and faithfulness through promises that never fail. These covenants, from Noah to Jesus, bear witness to God's eternal commitment to guide and save those who seek him with all their heart.
Finally, centuries later, Jesus Christ came, the fulfillment of all God's promises and covenants. Jesus brought the New Covenant, promised by the prophet Jeremiah, in which God would write His law on their hearts and forgive their sins. Jesus shed His blood on the cross to seal this New Covenant, offering salvation and eternal life to all who believe in Him.
Some time later, King David reigned in Israel. He wanted to build a temple for the Lord, but God told him that his son, Solomon, would build it. Instead, God made an eternal covenant with David, promising that one of his descendants would reign forever. This covenant with David is one of God's most profound promises, guaranteeing that the Messiah would come through David's lineage.
Centuries later, God's people were enslaved in Egypt. The Lord heard their cry and raised up Moses to free them. God led them through the desert to Mount Sinai, where he made a covenant with them. He gave them the Ten Commandments and instructed them on how to live in holiness and righteousness before Him. The people promised to obey God and He promised to be their God and protect them. Moses sealed this covenant with animal sacrifices and the people agreed to obey God's voice.
As time went by, God chose Abraham, a man of faith. God called him to leave his land and go to a place that He would show him. In return for Abraham's obedience and faith, God made a covenant with him, promising to bless Abraham abundantly and make him a great nation. Through Abraham, all the families of the earth would be blessed. This covenant was sealed with the sign of circumcision, a physical mark of commitment between God and Abraham.
It all started with Noah, a just and upright man in God's eyes. The earth was full of violence and evil, but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. God decided to destroy the earth with a flood, but promised Noah that he and his family would be spared. Noah was instructed to build an ark to save himself, his family and a pair of each species of animal. After the flood, God made a covenant with Noah, promising never again to destroy the earth with a flood, and the sign of this covenant was the rainbow in the sky.
Long ago, in ancient times, God made special covenants with His people. These covenants were sacred promises, full of love and purpose, designed to bless and guide those who sincerely sought Him.
Com o passar do tempo, Deus escolheu Abraão, um homem de fé. Deus o chamou para deixar sua terra e ir para um lugar que Ele mostraria. Em troca da obediência e fé de Abraão, Deus fez uma aliança com ele, prometendo abençoar Abraão abundantemente e torná-lo uma grande nação. Através de Abraão, todas as famílias da terra seriam abençoadas. Essa aliança foi selada com o sinal da circuncisão, uma marca física do compromisso entre Deus e Abraão.
Matthew's story continues to challenge and inspire people to this day
unwavering faith, courage in the face of adversity and dedication to God's service.
Matthew's life and ministry left a lasting legacy
gospel of christ