Cut to animation showing black holes evaporating
Cut to animation showing black holes evaporating
Cut to visualization of galaxies moving away from each other
Cut to animation of stars burning out
Opening shot of the vast, dark universe
Closing shot of the Milky Way in its full glory
Cut to animation of ancient stars within the galaxy
Cut to animation of the Milky Way forming
Cut to animation of the Milky Way forming
Opening shot of the Milky Way galaxy
Closing shot of the solar system with a sense of mystery
Cut to animation of Mars
Cut to visualization of Enceladus, Saturn's moon
Cut to animation of Europa, Jupiter's moon
Opening shot of the solar system
Closing shot of Pluto with a mysterious aura
Cut to visualization of New Horizons' close-up images
Cut to animation of Pluto’s atmosphere
Cut to visualization of Pluto's surface with mountains
Cut to animation of Pluto’s orbit
Opening shot of Pluto in space
Closing shot of the universe with a sense of mystery
Cut to animation showing the effects of dark matter and dark energy
Cut to visualization of the universe expanding
Cut to animation of galaxies and invisible dark matter
Opening shot of the vast universe
Closing shot of Ceres
Cut to visualization of Ceres' unique features
Cut to animation of the Dawn spacecraft
Cut to animation of water ice on Ceres
Cut to visualization of Ceres' surface
Cut to animation of Ceres in the asteroid belt
Opening shot of Ceres in space
Closing shot of Halley’s Comet with a bright tail
Cut to animation of the comet’s nucleus
Cut to animation showing historical observations
Cut to visualization of its last appearance