Closing shot of TRAPPIST-1e with a hopeful glow
Closing shot of TRAPPIST-1e with a hopeful glow
Cut to scientists studying data from TRAPPIST-1e
Cut to animation showing liquid water on TRAPPIST-1e
Cut to visualization of TRAPPIST-1e
Cut to animation of the TRAPPIST-1 star system
Opening shot of Earth from space
Closing shot of an astronaut floating in space with Earth in the background
Cut to animation showing astronauts in training
Cut to visualization of the salary range
Cut to animation of an astronaut working in space
Opening shot of a NASA astronaut in space
Closing shot of Neptune with a dark, mysterious aura
Cut to scientists analyzing Neptune
Cut to visualization of the planet's freezing temperatures
Cut to animation of dark, swirling clouds
Cut to animation of Neptune’s violent storms
Opening shot of Neptune
Closing shot of Uranus with an eerie glow
Cut to scientists studying Uranus
Cut to animation showing violent storms
Cut to visualization of Uranus’s dark and bright seasons
Cut to animation of Uranus’s tilted axis
Opening shot of Uranus
Closing shot of Jupiter with a mysterious glow
Cut to scientists studying data
Cut to visualization of Jupiter’s core
Cut to animation diving below the clouds
Cut to animation of Jupiter’s swirling clouds
Opening shot of Jupiter
Cut to scientists analyzing data and debating
Closing shot of the exoplanet with mysterious lights
Cut to scientists analyzing data and debating
Cut to animation showing flickering lights on the planet’s surface
Cut to animation of a telescope observing the exoplanet
Opening shot of a distant exoplanet
Closing shot of Stephen Hawking with a thoughtful expressio