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Videos by KnowingCow1

KnowingCow111mo ago
a man standing in front of a doorway at night

a man standing in front of a doorway at night

a man standing in front of a doorway at night
a man standing in front of a brick wall at night
a man standing in front of a church at night
a dark alley with a clock tower in the distance
a man standing in front of a doorway with a gun
a man standing in front of a stone structure
a man standing next to a tall stone structure
a couple of people standing in front of a building
a man and a woman standing in a forest at night
a creepy ghost in a graveyard at night
a couple of ghost standing next to each other
a group of ghost standing in front of a window
a cartoon of an elephant standing in front of a building
a man standing in front of a group of elephants
और उस गाँव के लोग अब तक भी उस मकबरे के पास जाने से डरते हैं, क्योंकि कहानियों के मुताबिक, उस मकबरे में अब भी भूत रहते हैं।
The boy and his friends ran away, but the ghost caught them. After that, no one ever saw him again. People say that they had become victims of a ghost.

लेकिन जैसे ही वे वापस जाने के लिए मजबूर हुए, एक और भूत उनके सामने आ गया। इस बार, यह भूत सीधे उनके साथी की तरफ आ रहा था।

लड़का और उसके दोस्त भाग गए, लेकिन भूत उनको पकड़ लिया। उसके बाद, किसी ने उन्हें कभी नहीं देखा। लोग कहते हैं कि वे भूत के शिकार हो गए थे।
The boy and his friends ran away, but the ghost caught them. After that, no one ever saw him again. People say that they had become victims of a ghost.

धीरे-धीरे, उनके पास एक भूत आया। लड़का और उसके दोस्त डरकर पलट गए, लेकिन वे भूत को नहीं देख सकते थे। उन्होंने सोचा कि वह भूत शायद किसी और को छू रहा है।
The boy and his friends ran away, but the ghost caught them. After that, no one ever saw him again. People say that they had become victims of a ghost.

एक रात, एक जवान लड़का अपने दोस्तों के साथ मकबरे के पास जा रहा था। वे सभी डरने के खिलाफ बातें कर रहे थे। लेकिन जब वे मकबरे के पास पहुंचे, वे एक अजीब आवाज सुने।
The boy and his friends ran away, but the ghost caught them. After that, no one ever saw him again. People say that they had become victims of a ghost.

Once upon a time, a terrible incident happened in a village. There was an old elephant tomb near the village. People used to say that ghosts live in that tomb.
The boy and his friends ran away, but the ghost caught them. After that, no one ever saw him again. People say that they had become victims of a ghost.

And the people of that village are still afraid to go near that tomb, because according to the stories, ghosts still live in that tomb.
A dark alley with scattered trash cans and graffiti-covered walls. A shadowy figure lurks in the background, their face concealed by a hoodie.]