Generation details

We are in the year 4085 On Mars, Madonna as Olga is smiling chef General of the Army of Mars. Madonna as Olga beautiful 65 years old  Madonna, now known as Olga Cheef, in her role as the General of the Army of Mars. The  big doors of the Martian palace open up to reveal a beautiful Madonna as Olga Chef General of the army of Mars along with the president of Mars a father figure of 74 year old and the chef Captain of the Martian Army 35 year old beautiful Afro American woman with the captain martian uniform walking with confidence to a podium where she take place at the speaker stand to deliver a speech. The president of Mars stand beside her on her right and the Chef captain beautiful black captain woman on her left and the public made of Martian soldiers and Martian citizens stop cherring and the plunge into a complete silence before General of the Martian army start speaking starting with a salute hand gesture to greeting the crowed the meeting is taking place on Mars palace and we can feel the tension on the atmosphere inside the audience room as she is about to start her important speech for humanity.

We are in the year 4085 On Mars, Madonna as Olga is smiling chef General of the Army of Mars. Madonna as Olga beautiful 65 years old Madonna, now known as Olga Cheef, in her role as the General of the Army of Mars. The big doors of the Martian palace open up to reveal a beautiful Madonna as Olga Chef General of the army of Mars along with the president of Mars a father figure of 74 year old and the chef Captain of the Martian Army 35 year old beautiful Afro American woman with the captain martian uniform walking with confidence to a podium where she take place at the speaker stand to deliver a speech. The president of Mars stand beside her on her right and the Chef captain beautiful black captain woman on her left and the public made of Martian soldiers and Martian citizens stop cherring and the plunge into a complete silence before General of the Martian army start speaking starting with a salute hand gesture to greeting the crowed the meeting is taking place on Mars palace and we can feel the tension on the atmosphere inside the audience room as she is about to start her important speech for humanity.

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