Generation details

The story should be cartoon The story must be old. The story should be traditional. A man had put some sacks of wheat on his donkey and was taking it to the mill. On the way, he reached a coffee house and tied the donkey to a tree and went to the coffee house. When he came out, his donkey was not there, as he looked for the donkey. His eyes fell on a boy, he asked him: (Didn't you see my ass?)) The boy asked: (A person who was blind in his left eye, does his right leg limp and carry a load of wheat?) The man was happy and said: (The addresses are correct, where did you see them?)) The boy answered: (I did not see a donkey.)) The man got angry and took the boy to the governor. Hakim said: (Son, John, if you did not see the donkey, how did you give its address?)) The boy said: (I just looked carefully and thought a little about what I saw. I saw a donkey's leg whose right leg was less empty than its left leg. I realized that the right leg of the donkey that passed here was lame. The grass on the right side of the road was eaten. But the grass on the left was healthy, from this I understood that the donkey did not see the grass on the left, I understood that his left eye was blind, I understood from the wheat seeds that he had dropped on the ground that it was loaded with wheat.)) The ruler praised the boy's intelligence and understanding, and the man apologized to him.

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