Generation details

Sure! Here are 15 image prompts to visually represent various aspects of the story: 1. **Students eating khichdi**: A group of students looking upset while eating khichdi in a hostel canteen. 2. **Warden listening to complaints**: A scene of the hostel warden listening to a group of students complaining about the repetitive khichdi breakfasts. 3. **Khichdi lovers**: A small group of students happily eating and enjoying khichdi. 4. **Diverse breakfast choices**: An illustration showing different breakfast items like dosa, upma, bread, bread butter, noodles, and whole vegetables. 5. **Voting process**: Students casting their votes for different breakfast options in a ballot box. 6. **Khichdi votes**: An image showing 20 votes in favor of khichdi. 7. **Scattered votes**: Depiction of votes scattered among various breakfast choices like dosa, upma, bread, bread butter, noodles, and whole vegetables. 8. **Result announcement**: The warden announcing the voting results with khichdi winning. 9. **Disappointed students**: A group of students looking dejected and upset after the voting results are announced. 10. **Happy khichdi lovers**: The 20 students who like khichdi celebrating their win. 11. **Group of students discussing**: A scene of students discussing their dissatisfaction and planning to unite for change. 12. **Unity among students**: An illustration showing the 80 students coming together and forming a united group. 13. **Warden’s office**: Students unitedly approaching the warden’s office to voice their demands for change. 14. **New breakfast menu**: A revised breakfast menu showing a variety of options replacing the daily khichdi. 15. **Students enjoying diverse breakfasts**: Students happily eating different breakfast items like dosa, upma, bread, bread butter, noodles, and whole vegetables in the canteen.

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