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In the heart of a lush green forest, a curious rabbit named Bunty stumbles upon a mysterious, glowing shoe that promises incredible speed. Eager to outrun all his forest friends, Bunty slips it on—only to find himself in a hilarious, uncontrollable race filled with unexpected twists and tumbles! Will Bunty be able to control the magical shoe, or will it teach him a surprising lesson about shortcuts and hard work?

In the heart of a lush green forest, a curious rabbit named Bunty stumbles upon a mysterious, glowing shoe that promises incredible speed. Eager to outrun all his forest friends, Bunty slips it on—only to find himself in a hilarious, uncontrollable race filled with unexpected twists and tumbles! Will Bunty be able to control the magical shoe, or will it teach him a surprising lesson about shortcuts and hard work?

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