Generation details

In 2176, the Russian research probe Pioneer-A 12 was sent on a research mission to the Kruger 60 star system. Discovers a planet potentially suitable for colonization, a deep scan showed that the planet is dead, but in the past its atmosphere and climate were similar to Earth's, there was water on its surface. Judging by the traces and remains found, the inhabitants of this planet were anthropomorphic creatures similar to humans, but twice as large. This civilization was clearly developed in technical and technological aspects. The collected materials indicate that the planet died as a result of a global war. As the photos from the spy devices that conducted a deep scan of the surface show, 90% of all living things died on it. The surface of this planet is mostly covered with reinforced concrete wastelands and catacombs, the found locations are dotted with the remains of military equipment and robots, the former civilization is disintegrating in ruins, the surface of the planet is poisoned with lead and mercury, the atmosphere is poisonous. Here are some photographic materials collected on this planet, * Consider using the Arri 35 III camera, * Choose a Zeiss Super Speed 50 mm and 85 mm lens

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