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Imagine a scene in which a person with thalassophobia is trapped in a damaged submarine, submerged in deep, dark ocean waters. The interior of the submarine is flooded, with water up to the ceiling, creating a claustrophobic and terrifying atmosphere. The person is clinging to a window of the submarine, looking out with wide-eyed terror as he sees mysterious shadows moving in the dark depths of the sea. The dim light from inside the submarine highlights the expressions of fear and despair on the person's face, while the sound of water entering the submarine heightens the sense of imminent danger. Add details like debris floating around, rippling seaweed, and shadowy sea creatures nearby to intensify the horror atmosphere. Use a color palette dominated by dark tones, such as deep blue, dark green and black, to convey the feeling of being in the unknown and terrifying depths of the ocean. This image should evoke the extreme panic and agony experienced by someone with thalassophobia in an underwater shipwreck situation.

    Seed: 13957677141280x2304Public