Generation details

Imagine a scene in which a person with thalassophobia is on a sunken ship in the middle of a rough ocean during a raging storm. The sky is dark and stormy, with lightning piercing the air and thunder echoing on the horizon. The ship is partially submerged, with debris floating around and giant waves approaching ominously. The person is clinging to a life buoy, staring into the dark, tumultuous depths of the sea with a mix of terror and despair on their face. The water is murky and full of debris , creating a chaotic and dangerous atmosphere. Add details like tumultuous water currents and seagulls flying through the storm to intensify the dramatic setting. Use a dark, vibrant color palette, with shades of gray, dark blue and green, to convey the intensity of the moment and the person's panic in the face of the threatening vastness of the sea. This image should capture the extreme agony and imminent danger faced by someone with thalassophobia in a shipwreck situation during a sea storm.

    Seed: 16436128181280x2304Public