Generation details

Imagine a person with thalassophobia in a public swimming pool on a sunny summer afternoon. The pool is full of people having fun and relaxing in the water, while the surrounding environment is lively and vibrant. However, the person with thalassophobia is sitting by the pool, watching with a tense and uncomfortable expression. Add details like children playing happily in the water, adults swimming and chatting excitedly, and lifeguards overseeing swimmers' safety. The water in the pool is crystal clear and inviting, but the person with thalassophobia seems to avoid getting closer as much as possible. The color palette is made up of light shades of blue and green, reflecting the relaxing and inviting atmosphere of the pool. However, around the person with thalassophobia, the tones may become darker and grayer, symbolizing the discomfort and anxiety they experience. This image should convey the duality between the pleasant atmosphere of a swimming pool on a summer day and the irrational fear of water that people with thalassophobia face in the summer.

    Seed: 41910571531280x2304Public