Generation details

Describe Thomas the Train in a terrifying form, assigning priority weights to his features. He now has spider legs (priority 4), sharp teeth (priority 3), and a creepy face (priority 2). Additionally, include red smoke and green fire (priority 1) emanating from the spider legs. Place this version of Thomas in the unsettling environment of Zombieland. Focus on the following elements: Appearance: Spider legs (priority 4): Detail the grotesque, arachnid legs sprouting from Thomas, emphasizing their unsettling movement and horrifying structure. Sharp teeth (priority 3): Describe the menacing, razor-sharp teeth that replace his friendly smile, highlighting their predatory nature. Creepy face (priority 2): Paint a picture of Thomas's once-friendly face, now transformed into a grotesque and terrifying visage. Red smoke and green fire (priority 1): Illustrate the eerie red smoke and green fire emanating from Thomas’s spider legs, adding an extra layer of horror. Environment: Describe the desolate, eerie landscape of Zombieland, with abandoned structures, flickering lights, and an ominous atmosphere. Atmosphere: Create a chilling, suspenseful mood through vivid descriptions, ensuring the setting and Thomas’s appearance evoke a sense of dread and horror.” Seed: 3212811226 , Seed: 2143401037

    Seed: 7956203472304x1280Public