Generation details

Create a video with gradient colors that change slowly and smoothly, mimicking the rhythm of breathing. The colors and lighting should transition three times, creating effects similar to those seen under the influence of marijuana. The overall feeling should be bright and cheerful. Script: Beginning: Start with a soft gradient of colors that evoke a sense of calm and peace, mimicking the inhale of a breath. Gradually transition to the first set of vibrant and slightly surreal colors, mimicking an exhale. Middle: Maintain the first set of colors for a while, allowing viewers to experience the brightness and surreal feeling. Gradually transition to the second set of vibrant and slightly surreal colors, again mimicking the breathing pattern. Maintain the second set of colors for a while, emphasizing the bright and cheerful atmosphere. Gradually transition to the third set of vibrant and slightly surreal colors, continuing the breathing rhythm. End: Maintain the third set of colors, ensuring a smooth and harmonious gradient. Conclude with a sense of brightness and joy, leaving the viewer with a positive and uplifting feeling.

    Seed: 24644772732304x1280Public