Generation details

Create a detailed scene set in the ancient mountains of Boyacá, Colombia, where a mysterious and charismatic foreigner, who is another indigenous person, arrives in Fura and Tena's territory. The foreigner should have an enigmatic presence with distinctive features and traditional indigenous attire, but different from Fura and Tena's tribe. He should be adorned with unique jewelry, possibly with feathers and different styles of gold and emeralds. In the background, show Fura, a beautiful indigenous woman with long flowing hair, wearing a traditional loincloth and adorned with gold and emerald jewelry, and Tena, a strong and courageous indigenous man with short hair, also wearing a loincloth and decorated with gold and emeralds. Both Fura and Tena should look concerned as they observe the foreigner. The lush, green landscape should include vibrant greenery, ancient trees, and majestic mountains, creating a sense of tension and intrigue in the scene."" Horizontal 16.9

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