Generation details

In a breathtaking cinematic scene, a drone captures the awe-inspiring sight of a massive alien entity effortlessly holding a floating island in the palm of its hand. The island is filled with a shimmering, crystal-clear lake, where energy-charged water cascades down from the entity's fingers, illuminating the surroundings with a divine light. The lake's surface mirrors the cosmos above, creating a stunning, star-filled reflection. This visually captivating scene is a perfect blend of sci-fi and fantasy, captured in immersive 4K quality.

In a breathtaking cinematic scene, a drone captures the awe-inspiring sight of a massive alien entity effortlessly holding a floating island in the palm of its hand. The island is filled with a shimmering, crystal-clear lake, where energy-charged water cascades down from the entity's fingers, illuminating the surroundings with a divine light. The lake's surface mirrors the cosmos above, creating a stunning, star-filled reflection. This visually captivating scene is a perfect blend of sci-fi and fantasy, captured in immersive 4K quality.

Prompt 1: In a breathtaking cinematic scene, a drone captures the awe-inspiring sight of a massive alien entity effortlessly holding a floating island in the palm of its hand. The island is filled with a shimmering, crystal-clear lake, where energy-charged water cascades down from the entity's fingers, illuminating the surroundings with a divine light. The lake's surface mirrors the cosmos above, creating a stunning, star-filled reflection. This visually captivating scene is a perfect blend of sci-fi and fantasy, captured in immersive 4K quality.

Negative prompt 1: blurry, ugly, deformed, jpeg, low resolution

    Seed: 120926584Dynamism: 37Smoothness: 100Exploration: 8576x1024LoopPublic