Generation details

a cartoon character with glasses and a hoodie, Kurt cobain as a 15 year old. Make Kurt cobain teen 15 year old

a cartoon character with glasses and a hoodie, Kurt cobain as a 15 year old. Make Kurt cobain teen 15 year old

Prompt 1: a cartoon character with glasses and a hoodie, Kurt cobain as a 15 year old. Make Kurt cobain teen 15 year old

Negative prompt 1: blurry, ugly, deformed, jpeg, low resolution

Prompt 2: a Cartoon Character with Glasses and a Hoodie - Kurt Cobain as an Adult 27 Years Old. Make Kurt cobain adult 27 year old

Negative prompt 2: blurry, ugly, deformed, jpeg, low resolution

    Seed: 436827373Dynamism: 35Smoothness: 100Exploration: 50512x512LoopPublic