Generation details

A colorful space filled with lots of stars. (Photo. crisp, high resolution: +10). make it look like a postcard from a faraway galaxy. A colorful space filled with lots of stars. (Photo. blurry, ugly, deformed, jpeg, low resolution: -1). make it look like a postcard from a faraway galaxy

A colorful space filled with lots of stars. (Photo. crisp, high resolution: +10). make it look like a postcard from a faraway galaxy. A colorful space filled with lots of stars. (Photo. blurry, ugly, deformed, jpeg, low resolution: -1). make it look like a postcard from a faraway galaxy

Prompt 1: A colorful space filled with lots of stars. (Photo: 2 | crisp, high resolution: +10). make it look like a postcard from a faraway galaxy. A colorful space filled with lots of stars. (Photo: 2 | blurry, ugly, deformed, jpeg, low resolution: -1). make it look like a postcard from a faraway galaxy

Negative prompt 1: blurry, ugly, deformed, jpeg, low resolution

    Seed: 938757180Dynamism: 35Smoothness: 100Exploration: 50512x704LoopPublic