Generation details

Colored image of An abandoned space ship in a space station with a view of space in an unknown part of the universe. The corridors are dark and dusty, with debris and rubble everywhere. This station was once full of life and activity, but now it seems abandoned for years. Occasionally you can hear the sound of the wind blowing through the corridors, but otherwise it is quiet and eerie. add wind blowing thru the trees in the background

Colored image of An abandoned space ship in a space station with a view of space in an unknown part of the universe. The corridors are dark and dusty, with debris and rubble everywhere. This station was once full of life and activity, but now it seems abandoned for years. Occasionally you can hear the sound of the wind blowing through the corridors, but otherwise it is quiet and eerie. add wind blowing thru the trees in the background

Prompt 1: Colored image of An abandoned space ship in a space station with a view of space in an unknown part of the universe. The corridors are dark and dusty, with debris and rubble everywhere. This station was once full of life and activity, but now it seems abandoned for years. Occasionally you can hear the sound of the wind blowing through the corridors, but otherwise it is quiet and eerie. add wind blowing thru the trees in the background

Prompt 2: So lonely - image of an abandoned space ship in a space station with a view of space in an unknown part of the universe. The corridors are dark and dusty, with debris and rubble everywhere. This station was once full of life and activity, but now it seems abandoned for years. Occasionally you can hear the sound of the wind blowing through the corridors, but otherwise it is quiet and. add little motion

    Seed: 931012689Dynamism: 20Smoothness: 100Exploration: 20512x704LoopPublic