Generation details

in a dream where you explore the strange and fantastical environment. The scene opens with a shot of the protagonist lying in bed, tossing and turning as they try to fall asleep. Suddenly, they slip into a dream world where they are floating through a surreal landscape of abstract shapes and colors. They move through the dreamscape, exploring the strange and fantastical environment.

in a dream where you explore the strange and fantastical environment. The scene opens with a shot of the protagonist lying in bed, tossing and turning as they try to fall asleep. Suddenly, they slip into a dream world where they are floating through a surreal landscape of abstract shapes and colors. They move through the dreamscape, exploring the strange and fantastical environment.

Prompt 1: a city filled with neon colored buildings | in a dream where you explore the strange and fantastical environment. The scene opens with a shot of the protagonist lying in bed, tossing and turning as they try to fall asleep. Suddenly, they slip into a dream world where they are floating through a surreal landscape of abstract shapes and colors. They move through the dreamscape, exploring the strange and fantastical environment.

Negative prompt 1: blurry, ugly, deformed, jpeg, low resolution

Prompt 2: a city filled with lots of neon colored buildings Scene 2: "The Shadow World" The protagonist enters a dark and foreboding world filled with shadows and echoes. They move cautiously through the dark, dodging the sinister shapes that lurk in the shadows. Suddenly, they find themselves face-to-face with their own shadow, which has taken on a life of its own.

Negative prompt 2: blurry, ugly, deformed, jpeg, low resolution

Prompt 3: a city filled with lots of neon colored buildings Scene 3: "The Hall of Mirrors" The protagonist enters a hall filled with countless mirrors, each reflecting a different version of themselves. They move through the hall, each reflection becoming more distorted and surreal. Eventually, they come face-to-face with an image of themselves that is completely unrecognizable, causing them to awaken from the dream.

Negative prompt 3: blurry, ugly, deformed, jpeg, low resolution

Prompt 4: a city filled with lots of neon colored buildings Scene 4: "The Reality Shift" As the protagonist awakens, they find that the world around them has changed in subtle but profound ways. Objects and people are distorted, and time and space have become fluid. They navigate this strange new reality, trying to make sense of what is happening to them.

Negative prompt 4: blurry, ugly, deformed, jpeg, low resolution

Prompt 5: The city is still there, but now it's filled with neon colors that don't match the buildings. The protagonist finally realizes that they are not actually awake, but still trapped in the dream world. They must find a way to escape the dream and return to the real world. Scene 5: "The Awakening" The protagonist finally realizes that they are not actually awake, but still trapped in the dream world. They must find a way to escape the dream and return to the real world. The final shot shows the protagonist opening their eyes and emerging from the dream, back in their own bed.

Negative prompt 5: blurry, ugly, deformed, jpeg, low resolution

    Seed: 611309761Dynamism: 49Smoothness: 100Exploration: 55832x704LoopPublic