Generation details

Noise, crowd, and bright light overload. Work feels like a hassle. A crowded sidewalk in Times Square, people bustling to and fro, street vendors selling hot dogs and pretzels, vintage neon signs advertising various products and services, taxis honking and honking.

Noise, crowd, and bright light overload. Work feels like a hassle. A crowded sidewalk in Times Square, people bustling to and fro, street vendors selling hot dogs and pretzels, vintage neon signs advertising various products and services, taxis honking and honking.

Prompt 1: Noise, crowd, and bright light overload. Work feels like a hassle. A crowded sidewalk in Times Square, people bustling to and fro, street vendors selling hot dogs and pretzels, vintage neon signs advertising various products and services, taxis honking and honking.

Prompt 2: The energy and excitement of the city, the rush of people moving about their business, the sounds of honking horns and shouting vendors with a focus in the workspace. The energy and excitement of the city, the rush of people moving about their business, the sounds of honking horns and shouting vendors.

Prompt 3: Scenery details: narrow basement, dingy walls, low ceiling, vintage turntable, stacks of vinyl records, small amp, pile of CDs. Landscape details: labyrinthine city streets, towering buildings, traffic bustling below, busy street scene. Lighting details: dim fluorescent light, flickering overhead, illuminating the workspace, shadows cast by piles of equipment. Atmosphere details: absorbed concentration, eyes fixed on the turntable, fingers adjusting the volume, scratching sounds echoing in the room, sense of timelessness. Photographer reference: Vivian Maier, Gary Winogrand. Photography technical details: f/1.8 aperture, ISO 3200, 28mm lens. The towering skyscrapers of Manhattan, their lights reflecting off the rain-slicked streets, streetlamps casting circles of light onto the pavement.

Prompt 4: Scenery details: narrow basement, dingy walls, low ceiling, vintage turntable, stacks of vinyl records, small amp, pile of CDs. Landscape details: labyrinthine city streets, towering buildings, traffic bustling below, busy street scene. Lighting details: dim fluorescent light, flickering overhead, illuminating the workspace, shadows cast by piles of equipment. Atmosphere details: absorbed concentration, eyes fixed on the turntable, fingers adjusting the volume, scratching sounds echoing in the room, sense of timelessness. Photographer reference: Vivian Maier, Gary Winogrand. Photography technical details: f/1.8 aperture, ISO 3200, 28mm lens. The bright glow of the neon signs, the flashing lights of the billboards, the yellow headlights of passing cars and taxis.

    Seed: 1448441677Dynamism: 25Smoothness: 100Exploration: 55512x704LoopPublic