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According this pic give me promte to generate video
Sure, here is a prompt you can use to generate a video based on this image:

"Create a video featuring the Hulk in a noir-style setting, where he is dressed in a purple suit, fedora, and sunglasses, similar to the uploaded image. The video should show him walking through a gritty, graffiti-covered urban street with towering buildings and cityscapes in the background. Include moments where he interacts with the environment, like tipping his hat to passersby, leaning against a wall, or looking thoughtfully into the distance. The atmosphere should have a mix of comic book vibrancy and classic film noir elements, with a jazzy background score to match the mood."

ChatGPT Uploaded image According this pic give me promte to generate video ChatGPT Sure, here is a prompt you can use to generate a video based on this image: "Create a video featuring the Hulk in a noir-style setting, where he is dressed in a purple suit, fedora, and sunglasses, similar to the uploaded image. The video should show him walking through a gritty, graffiti-covered urban street with towering buildings and cityscapes in the background. Include moments where he interacts with the environment, like tipping his hat to passersby, leaning against a wall, or looking thoughtfully into the distance. The atmosphere should have a mix of comic book vibrancy and classic film noir elements, with a jazzy background score to match the mood.

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