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"A once beloved, colorful toy, now shattered into pieces, lies scattered on the floor of an old, dimly lit room. The pieces of the toy are spread across a dusty, wooden surface, with some parts barely recognizable. The background shows a worn-out, faded carpet, and a broken chair in the corner, adding to the melancholic and abandoned atmosphere of the scene. The lighting is soft and muted, with shadows emphasizing the loneliness of the scene, making it feel eerie and unsettling."

"A once beloved, colorful toy, now shattered into pieces, lies scattered on the floor of an old, dimly lit room. The pieces of the toy are spread across a dusty, wooden surface, with some parts barely recognizable. The background shows a worn-out, faded carpet, and a broken chair in the corner, adding to the melancholic and abandoned atmosphere of the scene. The lighting is soft and muted, with shadows emphasizing the loneliness of the scene, making it feel eerie and unsettling."

Seed: 19553326082304 x 1280