A captivating cinematic video set in the heart of Norway's Trondelag region, showcasing a breathtaking landscape as a helicopter soars above. Two elegant South Indian Tamil women, adorned in traditional attire, dance gracefully, while a smart, bony-framed man, with dark brown skin and a stylish full-sleeve black coat featuring a blue, violet gradient, dances with them. The man, dressed in a white shirt, gray jeans, and woodland shoes on legs, moves in perfect harmony with his wives dancing with his two Tamil south indian wife's ,first wife is fair skin, round face,beautiful face chubby cheeks,bob short hair Plus size woman, wearing Full sleeve golden, silver rainbow theme coat black shirt, cleavage, big hip, white with black mixed knock length shorts Adidas shoes on legs, second wife Tamil south indian, little fair,long face, wearing Full sleeve pajama without dupata full sleeve white color leggings, Adidas shoes on legs they dancing for the south indian Tamil song "KO MOVIE | YENNAMO YEDHO SONG Yennamo Yedho Ennam Thiraluthu Kanavil",