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The scene depicts a group of men, politicians, businessmen Passing money to each other in Egyptian sphinx modein suits with greedy faces and fat smiles, bathed in dim light and enveloped in an atmosphere of mystery. They are arranged in formation, passing bills ceremoniously and deliberately, evoking the majesty and enigma of Egyptian sphinxes. Their gestures are serene yet laden with meaning, while the glint of the bills reflects ambition and intrigue in their eyes. In the background, there is an air of conspiracy and secrecy, suggesting the presence of hidden and powerful dealings at play. This image captures the duality between the appearance of respectability and the lurking corruption, adding depth and symbolism to the message of the song 'Proud Mary'.3d Digital raw volume In position like Egyptian figures with one hand forward and one behind in lateral view

    Seed: 2970067961280x2304Public